Sussex Army Cadet Force Association

Charge of the Light Brigade Dinner

30 October 2021


Only a few days to go, 
Doors open at 1845hrs
Start Piper 1900hrs
First call 19:30
End midnight. 

Transport is available from Worthing hotels and Train Station please email for more information. 

Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances Surgeon Lt Col. Jedge Lewin RHG is unable to make the event. 


Dear Friends, 

Whilst we enjoy these occasional summer days, we look to the Autumn and our planned 'Charge of the Light Brigade!' Commemorative Dinner. Your Committee is working to organise what should be a most enjoyable evening and we're delighted to advise that we will be joined by Sussex author John Grehan, who will be saying a few words about the charge, referencing his book 'Voices From the Past: The Charge of the Light Brigade' and by Surgeon Lt. Colonel Jedge Lewin OBE of the Blues & Royals, who will say a few words about advances in military medicine since the charge. We should also have some friends from the Kings Royal Hussars attending, the Regiment which today boasts the 11th Hussars in its pedigree! 

All of which is aimed at providing you with a fundraising event that is both engaging and fun; a chance to catch up with old friends and new, whilst enjoying the company of a number of ex-Cadets who are still serving and to this end we should be seeing Mess kits from the Coldstream Guards, the PWRR and the Royal Signals to name just a few. 

To purchase your ticket and to confirm your menu choice, please head over to the Association website now at

With very best wishes and here's to the Charge! 

I look forward to welcoming you to the Charmandean Centre on the 30th October!


Bill Welsh

Guest Speakers

Deposit Payment is required on or before 01 Sep 2021 (This will be non refundable after this date unless it is due to COVID-19). Deposits are as follows

Individual £20

Table £160

Full Payment is required on or before 01 Oct 2021 (This will be non refundable after this date unless it is due to COVID-19). Full amounts are as follows

Individual £55

Table £360

Dress will be Mess Dress, Black Tie or Period dress

Payment is to be made via bank transfer via

Lloyds Bank plc. Terminus Road, EASTBOURNE, East Sussex.

S.A.C.F.A - Sort Code: 30-92-86 - Account Number: 01450479

Please use your surname as the reference along with CTLB i.e. BONDCTLB and send a confirmation email to once payment has been made. 

Reminder: If the booking is for an individual and additional person/s, Please complete an additional form for each person/s using the primary bookers name.

Click to Book Here
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