The Sussex ACFA holds certain personal information (known as ‘Personal Data’) about you. Personal data is information from which you, as an individual, can be identified.
The information we hold about you
Identity: Name, Rank, Title, Decoration Name of Partner/Spouse
Membership type (i.e. full or honorary)
Contact details: Postal Address Telephone Number (landline and/or mobile)
Email Address
Whether subscriptions are paid by standing order, by cheque or BACS transfer.
We also record your current subscriptions.
How will this information be used?
The committee of the Sussex ACFA process this information in order to communicate, promote and manage its activities, collect annual subscriptions and for general administration. No other person/organisation has access to this information.
The Sussex ACFA will ensure:
Your information will be processed fairly and legally.
If for some specific purpose further personal data is required, it will not be collected without notification and terms of use.
Sensitive personal data (as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation) will not be collected or processed by the Sussex ACFA without a full explanation of its purpose and your explicit written consent.
Who do we share your data with?
With the following exceptions, the Sussex ACFA will not share your data with any third party
Unless there is specific written consent by you.
If it is necessary for equipment to be accessed for maintenance such access is protected by a legally binding non-disclosure agreement.
If you are in an article in the Sussex ACFA magazine – the Sussex Sentry.
There is currently no reason for your personal data to be sent outside of the UK.
How long do we keep your data?
Your data will remain on the database for as long as you are a member. If you leave your data will be permanently deleted.
Your Right
On proof of identity
You have the right to see the personal data that is held about you and have a copy provided to you or someone else on your behalf, in an electronic format and at no cost.
If you believe your personal data we hold is inaccurate, you can ask to have it corrected.
Where you have given consent for the Sussex ACFA to process your personal data, you can withdraw that consent at any time.
You can request your personal data to be deleted. However, be advised, if your contact details are so deleted it will not be possible for you to remain a member.