Sussex Army Cadet Force Association


The What and the Who

In Support of Sussex Army Cadet Force

Sussex ACFA was founded in 1994 by Officers and Adult instructors who were either serving or retired from Sussex ACF to keep in touch with each other and supports cadets in attending ACF events in Sussex with either financial or equipment support.

What we do

Fundraising for Cadets

Annual/Recruit/3* Camps,International Exchange & Equipment

Social Events

Dinner nights & Themed evenings

Attendance at Sussex ACF Events

Annual Camp, Recruit Camp, Senior Cadet & Company training

Days Out

Members days out e.g. Railway & House of Lords Visits


Members Wellbeing

The Sussex Sentry

Magazine of the association printed four times a year

Types of Memberships


Serving/Retired Sussex ACF and approved Ex Cadet


For individuals who have given service to Sussex ACF on the recommendation of a full member


A surviving spouse or partner of a deceased person who was a member of the association.

Meet Our Committee

“I was very pleased that my Cadet was able to re-join the detachment via the virtual zoom meetings, his first since early March and was able to take part in lesson and catch up with his friends. Thank you, Sussex ACFA”

SSI Sandiford (Detachment Commander)

“Super, it was great to get back into training”

Cadet (5 Hayward Heath)

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